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A member registered Jul 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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oh shit im sorry buddy 

oh shit im sorry am i an asshole i didnt mean to overstep on the comments of a T-rated game

Very cool. Might use explosion effect one day

uhhh. jumping in the agility quiz glitches you out sometimes causing fails

really had that 2009-2011 vibe. great work

yes. i used a scratch mod for 16:9 screen ratio

what happen to discord server

i think you should because you dont know what you're talking about

youre a fool for thinking that only one person has beat it, you do realize that there are 9k players and you can spam on matts turn anyway, just not shaggys?

right as i was gonna beta final destination fnf just hung and took me here. didnt even tell me if i beat it or not. then went back to freeplay screen

download steamvr performance test to see if your pc can run vr

also make sure you have a vr headset. if you don't, then you might have to buy one for 200 to 400 depending on if you want standalone vr or if you're getting a used hmd etcetc

open sourced coming after week 7 

windows computers are cheaper than macs/macbooks ??