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Ryan Jung

A member registered Jun 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey, if you mark the game as an HTML game instead of a downloadable game, it will be playable from the browser. I suppose the game is technically still playable, but you probably meant for players to play it as a web game. 


Thank you for submitting the game! Overall I think you did an excellent job of keeping the game small, yet playable. I can see that you addressed many design issues, for example, the number of colors, the speed of the enemies, the size of the enemies, the speed of the player, and making enemies block bullets of the wrong color; all of these interesting design decisions have been packed neatly into a playable game.

However, there are some areas that can be improved. The background is plain white, which doesn't really mix with the pixel art of the objects in the game. The enemies had very nice dithering, but aesthetically it does not mix with the background and the player sprite. The most glaring problem is the lack of an ending. A simple textbox saying "You Lose", would have sufficed. Its a shame this game ends so anticlimactically.

That aside, the game has a simple and interesting foundation that seems to have been executed very well. I look forward to seeing what you can make with less restrictions and more experience.


Yeah, after buying all the accuracy upgrades you can only juggle 10-15 jars before you cannot physically move to the new jar without letting all the jars drop. If I realised this earlier I would have made a new upgrade to slow down the speed of the jars.

(1 edit)

My Masterpiece

A nice game! I actually tried achieving the goal for the first few minutes but I eventually gave up and tried making the worst fried eggs I possibly could. It was a lot of fun but I wish you could restart from in the game instead of having to reload the page.

EDIT: I english no good.