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Ryebeca Scrypt

A member registered Feb 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Okay, thank you.

Will this become available on Steam? 

By chance, are these games, the first and this one, going to be converted for Androids? 

Totally okay with it not, but I thought I'd ask.

(1 edit)

If it's alright. Could I record my game play and put it on my YouTube? I will link you, the game and take absolutely no credit, that will remain with you and all those involved with the game. I'll give links to the game here and on steam, even link your patron.

It's up to you. Thank you for reading and please have a good day.

Quick question, and I'm not sure if I've asked this before, so I apologize if I have, but will this possibly be available on Google play?

Oh, okay. Thank you for letting me know. It's much appreciated.

Is this available on Steam too? 

I only ask because I have the game and all dlc on it. 

Will this be available on Steam or Google play, when it's finished? Or is this a Itch site special? 

It's cool either way, I'm merely curious. 

Thank you!

(1 edit)

I can't seem to find the Android download version. Am I in the wrong place? Any help would be very much appreciated. 

Edit: Oops, my bad. Just seen that you were having errors with it. Sorry!

Sweet! Thank you! 

Quick question. When this gets finished and released. I'm wondering how much it may cost. I'd like to save up to buy it when it comes out. 

If this isn't a too nosey of a inquiry, that is. I apologize in advance it it is.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! 

I love the game! I've bought everything but the extended edition, (that will be next paycheck! Lol) 

Can I ask what the song is called in the main menu? It's so beautiful.

I can't wait for the full game! I love it so much already! 😍 

You've done such an amazing job on this.