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A member registered Dec 10, 2020

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Aaaaaaa   can't wait!!!! 😍😍😍

Aaaahhhhhh   I really like this game 

I already tried every route, but I got bad ending in Rama's route 🤣 (I will try again)

My favorite route is still Reksa awwww   that gloomy personality of him ❤️❤️❤️ 

And the BGM I

t's beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

Semangat terus buat para team 

Just want to say, I really like your game  ❤️❤️

It's not just about romance like every otoge that I have ever played..   

I really want to buy the DLC but sadly I have no money  🤧 

Hope someday I have money to buy the DLC 

Keep working hard  ( *˙ᗜ˙ )و✧

It waa really a good game  ❤️❤️

Can't wait for the full version

This game is so good ah..  

The storyline, art, character, music, design..  all of it is so great..  I really love it  ❤️❤️   

Thanks for making this game  ❤️❤️❤️

Ah actually, I know this game a long time ago..  but just got the chance to play it 

Also...   I see "DATENKOU" name on the credit..   is that the "DATENKOU" I know?  😅   I think it is..  😁