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A member registered Jul 11, 2020

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This game has the most immersive and inclusive system I have ever seen, from the customization of how you look and how even Cove looks down to the questions other characters can ask in game and the diverse amount of ways you can answer, catering to the individual personalities of whoever might be playing! It really is an awe inducing sight and the gameplay is just as adorable and makes you feel like you really are living out your life within this game world and I commend the team for so meticulously crafting it! The story so far has been quite touching without lacking in emotional complexity. It was a bit of a shocker we get to manipulate Cove's feelings as well but having that be an option just adds to the all-inclusiveness. Another thing I adore is the diversity and essentially how open-minded the cast are no matter what kind of character you choose to be! I wish I could fit all my feelings about this game in a single comment but I can't seem to express how great of an idea this was and how amazing it is to feel to be in the generation that gets to experience it. I can't buy or contribute anything as I am too young but in the future, I am excited to lend my support to the development of this project! I wish you all the best of luck!