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A member registered Jan 28, 2023

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So far for the 0.83 demo  I noticed the ocean is a bit wonky.  all Wildling animations are broken, Drake animations are too the nightmare animation is fine IF you're not in the dungeon If you're in the dungeon you  get sent above the map and the stuck prompt wont fix it, the main quest (Have sex with a werewolf 5 times ) tends to break if you reload a save and if you load a pre update save you kinda go into the void as well maybe implementing  a second stuck teleport that has a dedicated location? or replacing the current one with the dedicated location? (Not as a permanent fix but a sort of fallback incase of other bugs)  More minor bugs are character's arms turning black during creation and some stuttering/lag while close to the water which can probably be attributed to my own settings. Im not too sure if its different in the full I'll have to grab it sometime this week. Hopefully Im not coming off rude, Just sharing all i found so far.

Couple animation bugs I noticed so far with drakes and wilds  also the quest seems to be bugged for me. 

decided to check this out don't remember exactly how I found this but a little bug report for you if you die a weapon in your hotkey go back to your corpse and loot all it duplicates the weapon at equal or better durability 

Yep It's been done Im proud of myself 

I don't make comments myself but THIS This is well deserving of  one  This Novel has it all I can't remove myself from the chair while playing... The humor always gets me to laugh until I cry The NSFW scenes are great but it's not the only reward for playing