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A member registered Jan 17, 2024

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(1 edit)

Oh my goodness the writing is absolutely amazing. I am stunned. Better than a novel.

Also I am very grateful for the linux build.

Thank you for your help. The problem is now fixed, I just didn't know how to run the nw file. I do advise including more instructions in the readme though.

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v0.308 Linux: Ubuntu 20.04.6 Long Term System

After waking up from the nightmare sequence in which you have to push the buttons and avoid the imp, I found that all my inventory items were gone. All I had was my gold and the "Helpful Mist" armour piece given during the nightmare. I presume after the game clears the inventory for the nightmare, it does not return the player's old inventory and simply leaves you with the Helpful Mist. 

I had two independent playthroughs (using the same download of the game), and both playthroughs had this issue. This bug is especially impactful since Tuon is away and you cannot purchase any new weapons.

Quick note: To play the game, i am not running the "nw" file, but instead running the "Game(DONT RUN)" file. I find the "nw" file does not run, but the "Game(DONT RUN)" runs without issues (until now).

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When I put "meat" into the console it responded with: "incorrect, you have a soul."

Also, the computer and the box have different passwords. The computer has a three-digit code input while the box needs the four letters.