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A member registered Apr 04, 2020

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This is an amazing tool, i would love to see a bit more options, sorry for the unsolicited feature requests but : 
- adding a way to change the number of main road (0-1-2 to stay in a village setting)
- adding small specific building (small chapel, windmill, watermill, stable, tavern/inn, cemetary, blacksmith, town square, well, granary, and some others...)
- you talked about palissade also, it would be awesome
- making sure no building can spawn on field, which is weird
- different roofing style (plank, tiled, slab roofs, hay roofs, and so on...)
the book fantasy mapmaker is awesome for ideas. but your generator is way better, i just am a bit greedy wanting to see more in it ^^ i will consider supporting via patreon as soon as i get a new job

hi, discovered by chance. would like to give my feedback for now : 


1. I like the story, the way it's told, the starship troopers reminders, the capitalism satyre.

2. graphism match the theme, and the music is simple but effective, sound in general is really nicely done. (may be a little too loud when you are near the shooting)

3. The bugs are cute and sometimes i wish i could keep them as pet. They look awesome when they swarm at you 


1. Love/Hate relationship with the road system. I get all the game revolve around this concept, which is part of the love, but they are extremely tedious to manage. In an advanced future it seems a bit silly to have this one way road system too. Where are the drones for exemple ?

2. Electricity ? Why so many time you have plenty of capacitor full but all of a sudden no electricity available. It's not only weird it's irritating to see your defense line crumble because reason unknown.

3. Power pole. Could use some specific power pole, longer range but less connexion ? because as for roads, for long distance it can really be tedious. And also you can't manage the connexion and sometimes they create extra ones, i like to keep my line clear and it doesn't help.

4. The net worth value of every character is the same (the one you have on hte top right, and those of your coworkers) would be a pretty neat way to tell experience. To allow some "research" or i don't know. 

5. Lack of personnalisation. I would have loved to be able to make a bit of personnalisation/upgrading/research, idk, something than would force you to choose between more firepower or less comsumption or longer range and so on...

All in all excellent game, would give a solid 70/100 may be 80 once the alpha is over and improvement has been made. Continue the good work