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A member registered 36 days ago

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Before I give any critique, I will say that the game is very cozy and enjoyable and, honestly, pretty impressive for your first completed project. I do very well see a future for this and the potential for future games as a whole if you choose to stick with game development. The few issues I had mostly came down to pacing, with me wanting to move faster than what was allowed. Speed preservation via jumping or wall running would be nice, or you could implement a maximum speed cap based on how much momentum you've gathered to incentivize chaining movements together. Also, it's most likely a bug, but deploying the grappling hook seems to halt all momentum you've had to the point it can brake you from falling mid-air. I also encountered occasional frame drops, but they didn't bother me too much.

That said, great work. I look forward to seeing what you have planned in the future.