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A member registered Apr 26, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing my game! I was super glad to see you were able to get it even without having any Frasier experience. The show is Not Really Worth Watching, anyway. I especially liked how you understood exactly what I was going for with the Markov weirdness. Thank you, this made my morning. 

I had a very fun time with this Not Great Wizard. You can watch me fumble around with keyboard controls here. It is a cool game, and I hope that the Wizard gets some time to like, rest and drink plenty of fluids. 

(1 edit)

I played this game, and it was Very Fun. I did not engage with the higher level jelly/fire/toastman mechanics because I was Not Great At the Game. But it's super pretty and highly engaging. 

(45:50ish into the video if the link does not work)

awww, thanks! I have had just about zero feedback about this weird thing, so it's nice to hear you had a good time with it. I'm looking forward to playing your game this weekend - I'll try to stream it!

oh man, this video made me smile, as you made all of these realizations. If you do end up playing with another person, please let me know!

Hey, thanks for playing my game! I appreciate your taking the time to listen to my weird voice and muck around in my dumb game for fifteen minutes! 

"I'm too hot to touch"


It's pretty self explanatory


the king of France