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RTA Soldier

A member registered Jan 03, 2021

Recent community posts

is part 2 still on working? i want to play the next part of the story. :)

I just noticed. The Forger heavy assault rifle must be the one Spectre-8 used in the first game, as he walk slowly and fire without reload. Here he use maybe suppressed AK pattern rifle, lighter and conventional magazine.

In the next game, can he have like .45 or 9mm pistol as backup to his primary weapon? He's special operations operator anyway, he's always ready. Awesome game and want to see more of this cool stuff!

It's Orbital Gauss Howitzer. the rod takes time to travel from platform down to target on Earth.

Kinda sad Subject 12 girl gets zeroed along with the crashed module tho. Those hell dogs' cry when dies too, telling that they also have feelings. Anyway, I played it, and it's amazing and want more of this awesome tactical horror!