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RPH Studio

A member registered Feb 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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You can use and modify this asset as much as you need.

May be the licence reference is not the correct one, i have just put CC to indicate this asset is fully free to be used.

Hello nerines.

Sorry for the big big delay : i will answer anyway for future visitors asking the same.

There is no specific width and height provided in this spritesheet. It is up to the developper to create an atlas from the raw png fil i provide.

But you can buy it for 1 Billion if you want to 😉

for sure you can 😉

Thank you Jupiter. As always i like your work ! i'll have a look

Thanks for the nice words !

In fact i am not so satisfied about the final result, but i am not a GFX guy so ..... ^^

Hey WiseDawn,

I h'ave finished to integrate your spaceship models from your procedural generator. You can see the final result here on this video :

I took 36 versions of different spaceships, and students can choose (by programming) the one they like.

Thx again for your awesome work : it helped me to finalize this work for the students : no doubt they will appreciate ;)

Hello Wisedawn : i really like your procedural spaceship shape generation. It is really simple and efficient : i love it.

Each year i welcome some students in a programming school with a basic IA spaceship race. They just code the way the spaceship goes through a race and i provide all the environment.

I got some sprites here and there but i wasnt really satisfied by the whole aspect, even after trying to make the whole sprites homogeneous. I guess i will get some sprites from yours for the next session in September.

Take a look at the previous session here :

I will tell you when i use your sprites and show you the result. Of course as always a link to your websites will be in the credits.

Thx again for your work ;)

It is not always necessary. With some tools, this 'cropping' operation can be done directly into the tool. 'Thinking about TexturePacker that creates a JSON file with all the atlas information, and can be directly loaded (in Phaser JS for example)

But if you use Godot Engine for example, and AnimatedSprite Node, AFAIK the imported frame sizes must be a submultiple of the image dimensions and you are right Deakcor that input images MUST be resized proprerly before that.

Anyway this is a relevant detail you've noticed ;)

Mouth SFX !!

Hey dude : i can tell you that the 'arcade' library in Python (from Paul Craven) is awesome.

My point of view is that is really better than PyGame,

you should try it !

Anyway, good job you did )

Oh petard Unity c tellement OPé pour ça : là nous on a du ma à intégrer notre build dans !! Bon on devrait y arriver mais ç'est pas automatique : on avait pas prévu le coup avant mais on sera prets l'année prochaine.... si on change pas ENCORE de techno AHAHAH @+

Wouah trop bien !! Next time en 3D avec BabylonJS pour jouer direct online ? ^^ @+

O_o    Oh my gad !   GG mec ! tellement de souvenirs quand je vois le rendu graphique ! Nostalgie quand tu nous tiens ^^

Arrgh i saw the 'display' of the game elements were not captured by ur stream : i don't know why, anyway it does not really matter ^^

Yeah ! thx ! As usual u r always there for this event !

Wish u all the best. c u

Man ! Your comment made my day ^^

Just a joke, to express the feeling that this game was the only thing i was waiting for since I was born ;-)

This game saved my life ! Thx mate !

Enjoy !

Hey thx dude ! as usual you are always there for the ProcJam ;)

U rule !

(1 edit)

Oh thx mate ! 

Glad to see you enjoyed this one, even if we did not spend a lot of time on it ^^

Regards from the RPH Studio team !

Thx mate ! As usual you are here for the procjam ! 

In RPH Studio, we are currently experimenting the PhaseJS game engine so we will be able to deploy some games for standalone desktop, web and mobile-web platforms.

To be continued ^^

Thx again, take care and see u soon !

Thx mate ! Hope you enjoyed your meal !

Don't forget to practice  sport daily ^^.

Played this game ! Found it so cool , like the good old games by lucas art I played when young.

I contacted you on linked in : please answer ;-)

I'd really like to talk about games with you. See you soon and GG for your work ^^

Oh yeah you're right !

Didn't know this game : I must admit Cosmoteer is far far more beautiful ^^

(1 edit)

Hello. Sorry we missed your post.

No it was not planned to use it in any kind of game ! We were just experiencing a procedural Generation code library of our own and decided to choose the topic "space ship" as a lib test ^^

We were a little bit too lazy and just performed this sample in one evening but we initially planned to add more fetaures such as populating rooms with objects (such as furnitures, ship control boards, beds, ...) and also turrets but we did not reach to get some free time for it .... next time may be ^^

See you soon !

Thx mate ! We had a look at it ! We are happy to be part of it !

Thank you so much ! We will go on improving the gameplay and gfx in the future !