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A member registered Jan 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for playing my game and Im so glad you enjoyed it. Im planning on changing the controls to make them more comfortable for the player. I received the feedback that they are a bit weird.

I have already played your game and I think it is also pretty cool :)


thank you for taking the time to play and rate my game and also for giving me some tips to improve it.

It is true the controls are a bit unusual. I do not know why, but for me they were not that weird when I was programming the game, but the day after the submission, a friend of mine tried the game and he told be about this. I have already changed them to make them more comfortable to the player (as you said WASD for walking up, left, down and right in the screen coordinate system), but I cannot update the game until the vote time of the Jam ends. So I will do it afterwards.

Im not quite sure yet, which system I could use to limit the amount of shooting. I will think about your advice.

Again, thank you for your time and your feedback.

I dont really know why that happens. Every time I build the game with UE5 and I try to open the game my antivirus analyzes it. I do not know how to build the game to avoid this problem.

I know it is possible to download it just disabling the windows defender, because a friend of mine did it so. I will try to find a way to solve this and if anyone knows how to fix it, I would appreciate the help.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

(1 edit)

Hello ArcanumGames,

Thank you for your comment. I have a couple of questions:

  • When do you mean exacly with inconvinient controls?
  • Overheating: I just wanted the player to check the overheating bar before shooting, so that he does not spam the fire button and kill all the enemies so easily. What would be your advice to improve this? Maybe that the player could throw more fireballs before the overheating bar gets full, or remove this functionality completely?

Thank you for your time