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A member registered 29 days ago

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(2 edits)

very nice game, please keep updating it with new random stuff cuz im loving it so far :3 very much an upgrade from progress quest and has made me actually wanna take peeks at it from time to time, i honestly would love a permanent log system that details actions like what you crafted, maybe a daily .txt file gets dumped into a folder you select detailing everything you did, but this may be my archivist brain speaking -w-'
edit: also sometimes spell info panels will go beyond my screen and i cant see them properly, i think this might occur with other popup panels like that, so itd be good to have something that makes them go sideways aswell or make them a fixed size with a scrollbar embedded into them
edit2: also maybe some of those popups should only appear when you click the thing so you can move your mouse around without much trouble? :3 btw you should make a discord server for suggestions!!