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A member registered May 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was really fun! I didn’t find it boring at all, it was challenging to me (in a good way!) I also really liked the main menu music, great job!

This game was extremely fun!! I couldn’t get too far because I kept dying but it was still enjoyable regardless :)

One thing I wanted to point out was how amazing your menus looked, both the main one and the death one lol. Your UI elements were all laid out really nicely, I especially loved the transitions between screens!

This was pretty fun to play!! I’m a huge fan of games that let you make your own choices, so this was really cool! Congrats again on completing your first game :)

Thank you for your kind words and for playing my game!! Congrats on completing your first jam and your first game :)

Thank you so much for playing!! You’re the first one to get to this ending (as far as I know) so props to you for collecting all 21 seaweed! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank you for playing!! I can see why that’s confusing haha, I’ll try to make that clearer in the future :D