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A member registered Mar 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Beautiful game!

Hi, it is made in GB studio.

The theme is on point! Cool idea :)

Amazing game. The art is really pretty. 

(1 edit)

This game is so well made! Good job. Only downside is that I could not change volume.

It feels like I am on a boat. When jumping the camera moves with you up and down.

I like how the game looks and mechanics are cool, but the camera movement makes me feel sick :(

Did you make the art and music yourself?

I have the same question.

This game has so cool mechanics! I wish there were more levels.

Cannot play the game :(

I hope the challenge is worth it :)

This game is very cute!

Lovely game! I like the idea.

I wish I could full screen it. Everything is so small, I cannot see.

Hi, I made it more clear to see, what path you should take. Try to change color in the middle of the jump and once you are inside the next platform, you should change the color again. 

Thanks for the feedback. I added two levels in the beginning where you can try all the mechanics of the game.While standing on a platform, if you change the color, you fall through. In the middle of the jump you can change colors to get stuck inside a platform. If you are stuck inside a platform try to change color and then jump fast and you will jump on top of the platform.Hope that helps.

Hi! It is intented that way. The levels get harder and you have to be more precise with making yourself stay inside blocks.