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A member registered Nov 28, 2020

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Thank you all for sharing. That day 1 was completely unknown to me!

I may come off as being harsh. I know they put great effort into this and the additions and finishing the routes seems to have messed up quite a bit of the program. It is just frustrating to work routes for hours to have them loop back to day 2. I am confident that in time they will get the glitches worked out. An update would have been far superior to this release in it's current form. I really enjoyed the demo and all its additions during development. A walkthrough isn't the same as the game functioning more smoothly. And what happened to the option to have David show you the base? That seems to have completely been removed. It goes from Norman picking you up to David's office to him having Thomas show you the base.

It wasn't like this in the demos. There is some coding that screwed up at update 3.13. I was a total fan until that update. I foolishly thought it would all be corrected before the rushed release. Thomas has like 5+ scenes. Other Than Norman Jerking- small scenes appear but nothing that leads to any of the project description. When an error or problem appears it seems like it is ignored and only additional working content was added, The rest was blocked by a "can't do that" dialogue. Even the first beginning interaction does not let you choose if David or Thomas shows you the base- that was crucial to the Demo scenes. I have zero Idea why I thought they would have this corrected before release. i have like 5 of Coolpeng's minis and they were never completed either. it is content. And very unpolished. So many people have invested so much for poor quality. It is disappointing. The project looked to have great flow - and they jammed it up.

Gas = Has. typo

I don't understand what you did to this game. The demo was a little glitchy but it played thru well until the last update. Now this release of a finished or complete project is an entire waste of time minus the Thomas route. It loops around- moves you to earlier days and throws off any progress you seem to make on other routes. If there was a progress meter or even a way to follow a direct route it might help. Ignoring thomas completely still gas him show up in your daily routine out of nowhere. You need to correct these issues. I don't know what changed between the demo and this mess.

It appears they glitched several routes after the last update. Read back to routes in the posts. I can tell you that the David Thomas and Norman(just a view of him) worked before- and you could see various shots of kevin Prior. His route was attainable by playing up to him in interactions- asking to help fix truck and interfering in his argument- But other choices were difficult to trigger the encounter. waiting to buy the full version on release!