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A member registered Aug 20, 2023

Recent community posts

Orc-girl, ok, that explains the skin color somehow. But not all ppl like to be intimate with orcs ;)
You named the solution: giving the player some choice. I love your work and look forward for your new projects. Thanks for caring :)

Hi evelai, the graphics in your game, impo TOP!
But tbh, there is one pic I really dislike (even turn my head and look somewhere else in my room): "Glory hole". Is the girl dead since a week? Or 90% frozen to death? Impo this doesnt look sexy at all. I never would go there if there would not be 35 sanity. Sorry, not sexy, not attractive. Nobody mentioned this? (sorry did not read all).

Question: When I upgrade to premium, do I have to pay the full amount or the difference?
Same with next version: Full amount again?

Btw, succeeded to the end (day 30). Oh my, the scene in the orc cave was incredible - was so shocked - monster ORC (you did so fantastic) :)

(1 edit)

- Glory hole (3) gives 35 sanity, thats a bit much (compared to 5 for sex with friends).
- 20 energy per day is a lot, takes some grinding to use it up.
  Lets say I do 4 visits for the 2 charisma and 2 respect every normal day. Suggestion: One click for all 4, with a report for the 4 visits. Same with 3 working visits.
- Some scenes are very slow, specially the black screenes (like the one when the maid is sent out for cleaning, takes an eternity until she comes back.
  Suggestion: A button to let player continue to next scene.

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Hi evelai,
I am now at day 20, and the mercs gave me money every day from day 2 on. This should be like that, coz there is a lot of money needed. On day 19 I sent one of them to recruite soldiers, which seems to take longer. Thats also ok.
The bug is: When I talk to them on day 1 (same day as meeting them in the inn), and give them a mission to collect gold, they did not come back within 10 days. Without the money from them, the game is stuck obviously.
Thanks for quick answer.

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Typo: "using the victory hole" (hehe) to keep your sanity high...

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Great game so far. Very unique and enjoyable.

I didnt read every word in this forum, but I wonder if I am the only one found this (shouldnt be, I consider this as a game breaking bug!):
Having mercaneries is great income for soldiers and gold.
1) I hire one at day 1. Give him a task (money or food or recruits) on the same day: He never comes back (at least not in the first 10 days).
2) I hire one at day 1. Meet him next day: He brings a lot of money for the mission. Next day again - and again, again. Looks like an exploit. Btw, I did not send him on a mission to bring gold.
3rd mercanery is best. Impo 2nd should be after 1st, 3rd after 2nd. Should be similar to upgrade the houses (3rd not possible before 1st).

When clicking on the door of my room, the question "do you really want to go outside" is just obsolete. Ofc, I want to go outside. One click too much.
Looking forward so much for update.
Yes, discord would be really helpful. What about Patreon?

I am also very thankful to get the steam key here, with your help.

And I also would be very happy, if I could get the 2 DLCs "Avalon" and "Strategy Guide".