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A member registered Oct 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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fixed, I've removed the cdn and just included the perlin library

Sorry about that, I'll take a look. Thanks

RPG Mania V community · Created a new topic Late Submission

Hi CGBilz, I had some issues building and exporting my game and i wasn't able to get it in on time. Would i be able to add a late submission?

I loved it! tight controls, satisfying gameplay, well-designed art style, catchy music, and crunchy sound effects. The gameplay was clever and enjoyable, although the shop made it too easy but it didnt affect my first game so thats fine. Also it's pretty hard to take damage from enemies because they move pretty slow and you have to basically be standing inside them to be harmed. Finally, i found that the best way to catch the skeletons was to just draw zig zags, partially because there was no way to close the shape on command, and because there was no limits to what shape you made. might have been more effective if the shape finished once you made the shape cross over itself.

None of that really matters though because the game was fun and with more time it's clear these issues would have been fixed.  A fantastic game all round, 5/5

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The idea of the fleeing sacrificial lamb was a clever twist on the sacrifice theme, and the graphics were super cute! A fun little game, nice work :)

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This was a really interesting game! I love the concept of selling cars on a train to ghosts, or sacrificing the unhappy customers, but im not sure the gameplay loop works fully. As i understand it, the ghost requests a type of room and if you dont think they'll like the room you've got you sacrifice them to get a random amount of money. The problem is that theres no downside to selling everything, even if the ghost doesn't like the room. That said, with more time im sure this game could be fleshed out; i loved the art style and concept. good stuff!

A fun little game! The gameplay was entertaining enough, but it was fun chatting with the devil. You admitted yourself there was a wee problem with the difficulty (wave 4 was much harder than wave 5 for me) but it didnt ruin the game or anything. I guess it came from the randomness of the ghosts, maybe a little marker pointing out where they would appear before they did would encourage a little more strategy? Anyways, nice work!

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Hehe, no audio. Sorry, i ran out of time. Glad to hear you had a good time though!