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A member registered Jul 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Community copies are added when someone purchases this title or its base game. I've just added a few copies at time of writing this comment, feel free to snag one.

Thanks! TBH I had the idea a little while before I found this jam, this was just the excuse I needed to sit down and make it.

Amazing, thank-you!

Would it be possible to extend the duration of the jam, just a little bit? I think I can get my project done in time for the current deadline, but December has been a busy month and less crunch over the weekend would be awesome.

A delightful, humorous romp of a game. I had an excellent time playing a one-shot of this with my group. The shifting GM role was a lot of fun and let the normally-players of the group try out running a game in bite-sized bits. Great stuff!

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Awesome! Aw man, I love seeing how people set up their tables, and using dice to track the numbers is a great idea (there's lots of writing/erasing in this game). And yeah, it's definitely an opportunity for people to test their vast quantities of dice. 

Speaking of, another part of the supplement is a rules variant that uses less dice, which I'm going to release early for playtesting. Essentially, just the player rolls dice, with 4+ counting as success vs enemy Strength as a flat value, and a few other rules are tweaked to mesh with foes not rolling dice. This variation is focused on streamlining solo play, but if you give it a read/try please let me know what you think!

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Hey, thanks for playing my game, and an extra thanks for telling me about it!

1. Running back to the Bonfire is completely unrestricted. You can do it as much as you want. This means, just like the in the video games it's inspired by, a player is free to farm the first zone and over-level themselves. However, it gets more and more expensive to level up the more you do it (three times your current level) and enemies in later Realms drop more Souls per Encounter. Ideally, a player gets bored/impatient with the weak stuff and moves forward, but when that happens is up to the player. Some players want a safer experience than others.

2. Brutal is meant to trigger when the Hollow has zero successful or tied matchups in a round. Leftover Hollow's dice that don't find pairs are effectively discarded.

3. The intention with Volatile is that rerolls allow the damage to be avoided. The Hollow decides in which order the conflicting dice pairs resolve (p3), but the rules aren't clear about when non-dice things resolve. Thanks for mentioning this, I'll try to update the rules for greater clarity.

4. The Lost Soul and Hidden Cache secrets work as you interpret them: you can gather up to RN+1 of that thing over the course of several Bonfire resets. I wrote it this way to emulate hidden drops that scale up as you reach tougher areas in Dark Souls, and to pepper the gameplay with several rewards over try-die-repeat attempts rather than a one-time lump sum and then an empty Encounter after. An alternate rule, "you find [RN] Souls/Items (does not reset)" might vibe better with some players, but I haven't tested the idea yet. I'm also working on a supplement that introduces more impactful, found-once-only items, which might scratch that itch. That should come out later this month.

Once again, thanks! Feedback means a lot to me, and I'm always happy to answer questions.

Thanks so much! I use Affinitiy Publisher for layouts and Designer for some of the graphics.  (It's currently 50% off for Black Friday and there's a 6 month free trial for anyone who wants to try it out.) Formatting is based on a one-page zine guide that I got from Star West. And the header font was availble free online (Optimus Princeps).

Thank-you! I'll get to cookin'!

Hi friends!

Earlier this year I made a Dark Souls-inspired one page game, Hollow Hike. For this jam I'm planning on making a sort of expansion for it, including pre-made play material, expanded rules for navigating branching maps, and a new optional mechanic for damage typing to deepen the combat a little more. If you have any ideas or recommendations, please let me know!

Excellent game! Fun and relaxing, and it really brought me back to the nostalgia of those "find it" books where a whole lot is going in in a massive illustration. Plus some cheeky stuff in there, hehe.

Just sent you a message :)

Hi! I'm definitely interested! Tiny Tome is super cool :)

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you like it

Affinity currently has a 6-month free trial going on. It's a bit of a learning curve if you haven't used a layout pr graphic design software before, but there are a bunch of online and in-program tutorials to help you.

I used Scribus starting out, which gets the job done but has very basic features and an honestly terrible UI, but is completely free.

Fantastic little game! I really enjoyed the feel and gameplay!

What I liked:

  • The art, sound and UI come together to deliver a wonderful vibe. It's cute, it's a cat in an apron making cakes, there's a cute little soundtrack, awesome
  • The conveyor belts are intuitive and fun to plan around
  • The bounce arcs are very satisfying
  • The enemies (Schrodinger's Cats?) are predictable enough to outfox, but unpredictable enough to keep you on your toes and keep the gameplay interesting

What I think could be improved:

  • The player character keeps getting stuck on the edges of the platforms
  • A sound cue on gathering a cake ingredient would be sweet
  • Let me jump! The jump is automatic off the edge of the platform, but I'd prefer a manual jump (up button when not on a ladder). It would let me strategically fall off the platforms and try to leap over the enemies instead of just trying to out speedwalk them
  • Longer i-frames please. I found myself repeatedly getting hit by the same enemy without much I could do about it. I would even take a lower max HP if there were more i-frames after each hit.

Hey, thanks! :)

Here's a recent solo session of Detour I did, using mostly the roll tables included. I think it turned out pretty well!

Thank-you! The body text is Constantia, and the header text is OptimusPrinceps.

Hey, thanks so much! I've been on a Dark Souls kick recently and I do sometimes find myself just walking around and appreciating the backgrounds and other art, but I never thought of that when writing this game lol. Glad you had a good time, and thanks for the comment!

Wow, that's some very high praise! Thank-you so much, I'm glad you like it

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank-you so much! It makes my day when I hear someone enjoyed playing one of my games

Thanks for the reply, and that's good to confirm. I'm excited to share what I've been working on!

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Hi! So I mustered up some queer wrath (I'm not a very wrathful person but i tried) and I have a game concept for this jam. But I'm wondering about what content is allowed. The main page says "no queerphobia, obviously", and my concept is not queerphobic, but it is about having to deal with (and ideally overcome) queerphobia. The game casts it as obviously bad and does not espouse it, but queerphobia does come up as a conflict. Can I submit this concept/game to the jam? (Labeled with content warnings, of course.)

This might be a stupid question, I just figure it's better asked than not.

Easy to learn, evocative, and fun as heck. My players really enjoyed being teribble geese.

A fun little game! I played this last weekend and it was a great way to spend a chill afternoon with some thematic and game-ified writing prompts. My little dung guy (Dug) made it to the top on his second attempt.

Awesome little game! It reminds of me of my younger days playing those those little flash games like on Miniclip. Music is good, shipbuilding is great, and I love the art in this.

It took a while but I made a pretty big ship (which promptly got wrecked as I tried to brave the maximum depth lol). Here she is, Under the C

Sorry, didn't realize I needed to approve the bundle (this is the first jam I've been in where it's been a thing). Should be all ship-shape now.

Happy to help! :)

I might get finished a companion piece to my original submission. Are we able to submit multiple things to the jam, or just one?

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Thanks! :)

Thank-you so much!

I'll get onto Discord and get in touch with you!

Hey there! I live pretty far away from Portland (and the US for that matter) but I'm interested in working on games and I'd like to collaborate (online) on designing, writing or even just playtesting games with other creators. Please drop a reply or send me a PM if you'd like to work on something together.