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How do you get to the confession ending? I got the good ending for their friendship and thought it was really sweet (I think I got 3 of the endings), but I really wanted to ask Naomi about her deleted application, the bus tickets she bought, things like that.

Edit: I got to the ending where I could ask her about the application and the tickets, and could also confess my feelings. In my version, Alex didn't mention the party where she couldn't stop staring at Naomi. I will try again later maybe (:

The story is so sweet, I also love the art work and they both really do feel like people, flesh and bones, you know. Thank you, Fulmen <3

I picked inner magic, just because it felt like what my Crown would be most drawn to. Beneath this comment is a screenshot detailing what inner and outer magic is about, in case you didn't know.


And yes, it is possible to become friends with a romantic interest whose specific route you didn't choose. (From Chapter 5 on, you will leave the Common Route and continue the story with a specific romantic interest in the main focus; keep that in mind.)

Regarding the choice concerning X that you mention: You don't throw away the connection if you choose not to find them attractive in that specific instant. But you should know, towards the end of Chapter 4 there might be options that you can't choose if you neglected your connection to X too much.

You have to find Natalie who is a moth, and you know what their species is attracted to... But do you need hints to find her?