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Roketto Romance

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I got a few comments on the pacing of the game,  which will be a priority for the next demo day.  Also I'll be improving the AI so the opponent will attempt different types of shots.  After that then I can add more personalised shots that the AI will make (eg the muscle-bound character will make stronger shots to knock pucks out of the way).

Thanks for trying the demo.

Thanks for playing the game,  I did see your steam when you played the game and saw the strange window resolution issues and uploaded a fix  for that particular issue.  But its something I need to work on further too.

The next big challenge will be making the A.I more competitive and each character behaving more individual. I'm currently working on the calculations needed for the opponent to be able to knock the player's puck off the scoring area.  That will be the aim for the next demo day.

(I did enjoy the stream you did during demo day, your voice projection is good and your overall sense of humour)

A very nice game and thanks for the Zombie jumpscare!

I did like the cutscenes and the art style you went with for the game.  The art so far is consistent and of a good quality. 

In my opinion I think the biggest improvement you can make is with the U.I especially the dialogue boxes and text formatting.  Once they match the rest of the game's style they will look good. Maybe add a small picture to highlight who is talking, or a different text colour for each character?

As someone else mentioned, I do think more variations on each rooms would look better too.

Overall this is an enjoyable game, its impressive especially as it is an early version as it states in your description.

A fun puzzle game which is really nicely presented.  The art style suits the game and is consistence throughout (maybe except the pause button).

The concept was self explanatory I found and I picked it up on my first playthrough.  I managed to get over 120,000 points but the high-score disappeared straight after so I have no proof. I see this will be an upcoming feature though from the description.

Difficult to suggest improvements as this is a very polished, sleek and feels like an almost finished game.  But I can see how you can expand on the puzzle formula if you decide too (eg a challenge mode, clear the numbers etc).

The controls did start off as a Mario Golf style system.  I decided to go down a more simulation route but I do need to improve the A.I. to make it more of a challenge.    Although as a couple of people have mentioned the controls then I may go back to the 'time the shot' system.

Thanks for trying the demo.

Thanks for trying the demo.

The first few agdg webms I posted did have the power bar as a timer where you had to stop it.  I am going to try to make the game more challenging by improving the AI first instead of changing the power bar controls.    Although a couple of comments have mentioned the power bar now,  so I may be tempted to change it.

Thanks for the feedback first and for taking the time to play the demo. Shufflepuck Cafe is definately an inspiration for this game and if I get anywhere near that game's quality it will be an acheivement.

This is the first demo for my game and I agree with what you said that it is missing a lot of usability options (and more). But I've just added what you mentioned to my to-do list (display / audio config, and either a control binding / prompts). I also agree with the score UI, it looks a rough and does take too long time to 'total up' towards the end of the match. I'll think of a way to speed that up, perhaps score the opponent's then the player's in groups