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A member registered Jan 12, 2024

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No man, nobody wants to read that thing xdd

i want to know too

Nop you only hace to hang out enough with Hana she is the important carácter un good news, try to spend more rike with her and max her levels

Aaa try forcé off the Game or clean cache and start the Game again

Charlotte hang out is only in the morning, aand the last update was abput Charlotte

No xd

I thought the same, but I see that you are working and uploading things on your discord so I am glad that the game continues to get better.

Thanks bro 

Man the word bar is covering the scenes :(

Man i feel the same JAJAJ

Al chile que si, solo put0s lloran por el ntr

Man really i begining the Game and now i know the creator leave the Game die xdd

My problems is other, the Game crashes every time :(

Man i have the dame errors in other games of renpy i don't know why in this Game i don't have errors but in other games like goddesses whim that gane crash a lot in the Mayu house

Man, what good memes to emphasize HAHA, plus what a good game, the story is captivating, and your introductions of the fourth wall with the main character are very funny, it seems that you are having fun, and Putin is small forever XD, the story is brutal. It leaves you thinking and what madness is going to happen now, I look forward to the next updates


We have the Icom hide XD

I think the updates come in 5 -6 weeks, además creo que hablas español bro, una cosa esta historia está brutal njds dejando de lado el npor está la historia bien hecha todo te deja con intriga de que pasa y que es shika 😲

You are right

February ?


I think is your phone but My phone Does the same but in tiene like a 20 minutes 

Que gay JAJAA

No man todo está en ingles, pero hay páginas donde puedes sacar los apk con traducción a varios idiomas pero lo malo es que tienen solo versiones más viejas como digamos 1 versión menos

No se puede, solo léelo y empezarás a entender el inglés xd además busca traducir palabras que no entiendas en Google y ahí verás que vas a ir aprendiendo xd

Yeah, is because only one person i think

Nop bro, i the discord Say nothing about the next update 

Maje me quedé igual yo, pero según dicen este juego está hecho por solo 1 persona así que vamos a esperar demasiado para que ella haga algo digamos unos 6 meses bro :( ya tengo varios juegos sin terminar solo por qué están en Alpha versión

Delilah xd

No se puede broder está en inglés, leerlo así y verás que en unos días empiezas a entender y buscas en Google las palabras que no entiendas y comenzarás a seguirle el juego a las oraciones y todo básicamente estás aprendiendo inglés XD

Mano yo creo que es por qué el de halloween ya pasó Xd y en la nueva versión solo están las escenas bloqueadas de navidad nada más, así que consigue solo las de navidad y creo que el de halloween es uno escondido o no recuerdo bien


Finish the proligue You have to do allá the things in the quests of the Demon Narissa and then You go yo sleep and in the bed You click the button finish prolongue 

You are right

This Game is one of the most interesting games i have play,sorry My English is nota very well, and the story is SO good man, the story the characters the thing with the other versión of the Main character are do interesting and the other world or desmessness of the Fey girls and all the scenes, one of the scenes i like is the act 3 fight, and i feel so sad for Gwen.

I think, translate the folder of the Game in a USB and Transfer for the new computers but You have to download Game and replace the folder

How to unlock these scenes ?

Yes bro the woodcutting make the time pass too much fast and this don't give much Wood

Aa bro you hace to do the affection of Hanna and Shika and i think raise the affection of the girls of the Sakura Town this is all, after this the Game doesn't have more quests and we hace to wait another version, i think this could help You, bye bro.