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A member registered May 02, 2020

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An idea to apply the breeding mechanic, traits, and statistics. The story for Breeders of the Nephelym begins as the gods/goddesses of love/sex compete to see who is the most hypersexual. Hypersexuality translates into power for sex/lust deities. They decide to settle the matter through a "Fuck Off" competition. Deities set the rules as follows: 1) No divine intervention. True hypersexuality persist without constant divine stimulation. 2) Therefore, Competitors must be bred by a breeder. Deities may guide their breeder in best practices. 2) Competitors must win a series of "Gang Bang" tournaments to advance in rank (E Rank, D Rank, C Rank, B Rank, A Rank) 3) Competitors must win the Cosmic tournament to be declared "Gang Bang Champion."

Success in tournament proves god/goddess as the most hypersexual, thus most powerful. A Tournament match consists a battle of sexual position determined through Rock(Dick), Paper(Blow Job) , Scissors(Pussy) or through a Sexual Mini Game Design. Then, the match concludes with the stamina test used in the Surprise Sex mechanic. Sexual positions offer an advantage against different Nephelym either increasing pleasure or increasing stamina. Traits can synergize with different sexual positions to improve sexual resistance or sexual pleasure of the competitor.

Players select their god/goddess for whom they will represent ( Each deity affects breeding, resources, and combat/sex. The deity's influence can add strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities. The story opens with the deity abducting the breeder. On Nephelym, the story opens as it is currently set with gameplay explanation by Falene. When the story progresses to Leylanna and The Emissary, conditions are offered on how to return home: 1) Build favor through the Emissary by completing quest, and 2) Transcend Nephelym to the pantheon of myth such as Cerberus, Zu, or Chimera ( Once the tasks are completed, not only will the player have serious fuck machines but other ways of collecting Orgasium. The story mode ends with the breeder returning home or moving on to the next challenge, another land with more creatures to mate and compete.

Another mechanic can be cosmetic surgery. Through a new character, Orgasium can purchase physical alterations to Nephelym. The action may improve body build but negatively affect sexual performance, advantage vs. performance in matches.