Hello ! To sum up, under the dungeon lies a gigantic monster whose hand has been detached from its body. The hand is trying to excavate the rest of its body by trapping adventurers and turning them into undead servants using a magical metal. The upper part of the dungeon is an deadly trap with a false treasure and all around lies ancient ruins, and the lower part are the mazes dug by the devil's hand and his servants. There are two other factions of creatures that inhabit the dungeon (talking wasps and woodlice), which are optionnal to encounter, and a whole host of wild monsters. There are also a few other npc (notably a couple of undead who have more or less kept their spirits). It's a fairly non-directive dungeon, based on exploration rather than narration, by which I mean there's no real scripted dialogue, but by investigating players can still find clues to the situation as they explore the dungeon. There are also quite a few magic items and mechanisms I've invented for the occasion, some stylish, some fun. As for monsters and spells, I've invented some of them myself, and I've also used some straight out of D&D. Have I more or less answered your question?
A member registered Aug 07, 2021 · View creator page →
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A selection of 10 skeletal and creepy printables paper miniatures.
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