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A member registered Jun 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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what extraction error?

VX Ace

once you head into the brewery you're kinda stuck there and the 4th floor.

if it's too much, you can talk to Cecil in the Arena and he'll give you a one-way trip back to the 3rd floor. that, or warp out :V

at least one, yeah

if you're referring to the bosses implied to exist by the big door in the fast travel area, then it's actually two bosses that aren't in the game yet

the final greasy food is currently not in the game lol

also you run into the chapel boss on your way out of it :V

that stuff is kinda all over the castle, i can't remember where it is exactly :v

it's all in the dungeon

it's probably either in the observatory or in the heap :V

which ones have you found?

yeah, i definitely would like to revisit these characters and this setting again sometime :Y

still, i'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!

glad to hear you enjoyed it! and yeah, i do kinda wish i had more time to iron stuff out, but i might come back to this project at some point and do just that, so who knows lol

i'm not an expert, but it seems like there's something wrong on your end

what are you using to extract the archive? it's possible you might need to reinstall whatever it is you're using

or update your OS. :V

(1 edit)

what OS are you using? the version that's up is currently only compatible with windows

right on lol

not currently, no. that might change in the future, but i, myself, currently do not have any plans on producing a guide for this game :V

right on!

what the fuck

which junk food are you referring to?

i think this one was an anomaly. i spent a lot of time working on those animations and battle sprites, and i'm hoping future updates won't be nearly as time-intensive as this one lol

did you try redownloading it?

no prob! c:

keeping busy :V



which enemy and where? also did it stay alive indefinitely?

can you elaborate on this?

development is still going! the next update is just taking forever because of other obligations and constant distractions lol

understandable :V

honestly? i'm probably gonna hold off on working on a legit kobold commandos game until i finish up my other project going on lol

currently, you can't. you have to leave by way of the bar shop :V

it's still going, i still have a lot of work to do, but i should have something to show off before the month's out, hopefully.

maybe :V



you find her on the fourth floor, at the top of the clock tower

Has Alexis joined your party yet? You need her to cross those.

what holes are you referring to?

don't worry, i have every intention of continuing to work on this, but things aren't really conducive to allowing me to do that at the moment. hopefully i can get back to it soon!

to the best of my knowledge, no, unfortunately

i have a bad habit of changing stuff up so much between versions that transferring saves just isn't really possible in most cases <:V

it's slow going, but it's still being worked on lol

i don't know when it's gonna come out, though :V