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A member registered Nov 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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I see a different version on the other page, does that mean I have to but it again?

I'm using blender 3.0.1, does this work on that version?

Thanks for the feedback. I had a couple questions :)

1) Also, you had a cap on the amount of towers to give difficulty, but there's no real strategy to it.
Our strategy is we need to have a rose tower to defeat the 'boss' since the boss has such a high hp. Just for clarification, the strategy you are talking about is after defeating an enemy you'll get 'cash' and then you can buy another tower types of thing? No so much rock paper scissors strategy. 

2) Also, the lose screen is just a black screen.

How would you suggest we improve that? What are your thoughts?

Thanks again for the feedback

Hey, I have about 3 seconds between waves. What are you thinking? How can I improve?