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A member registered Mar 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I really love this game, but it could do with some more editing!

Fortunately, I also own Mazes (which is equally incredible), so I was able to pick up most of the game mechanics from there.

A few changes that I'd love to see, if you ever produce a 'Rebel Scum 1.1'...

1.) Keep the same names for the stats across character types and (perhaps less important) between characters and ships. I know it adds flavor, but it was a bit confusing to go from 'Blaster' to 'Blade' to 'Cannons' or 'Might' to 'Bot' to 'Shields'.

The rules text (on page 29) even mentions 'Pilot' being an alternative name for the 'Key' roll, but then it was never brought up again (I would assume you'd actually want to use 'Move/Engines' for spaceship maneuvering).

There are additional broad categorizations of the stats (also on page 29) as 'Mental', 'Physical', 'Violence' and 'Strength'.

So why not just keep everything as 'Intel', 'Move', 'Combat', and 'Might'?

2.) The difference between 'Star' (as a resource) and 'Shining Star' (as a character motivation that a Star can be used for) is also a bit muddy. Might be nice to rename the latter to avoid confusion.

Again, I know it's a bit more bland, but 'Motivation' or 'Driving Force' are pretty straightforward ways to describe the essence of what a 'Shining Star' is.

3.) The sample characters make for awesome art throughout the book (ahhh, Kenner!) but I also hate having to flip through to find their stats. Maybe put them all at the end of the book too, in one single location?

4.) Most of the 'Edges' might seem straightforward, but I feel like there's something missing without even a few sentences describing how they might be used. Fine for me, maybe not so great for a beginning RPG player.

5.) Maybe I missed it, but a game based on that galaxy far, far away REALLY should have a descriptive example of how you might run a blaster fight. 

Thanks for reading my rant (hopefully you found it constructive), and just know that I really appreciate what you're doing with the Polymorph system!

(3 edits)

Are we writing TTRPG resources here? Some sort of computer game? Neither? Possibly either?

Is there a specific framework or set of rules that we're supposed to be basing our creations on?

(1 edit)

Hey, everyone.

I've had my eye on the Polymorph system (and specifically Rebel Scum) for quite some time, because the simplicity of the mechanics had me intrigued (plus: huge Star Wars fan).

This jam seems like a really good opportunity to dive in, and I just picked up Rebel Scum to expand my horizons on what the system is capable of.

My question: are there any other games out there that make use of the system?

It looks like 'Mazes' and 'Kobolds Ate My Baby' fit the bill. Do they expand on the system in any way that's notable or different from the rules presented in 'Rebel Scum'? If so, how?

And what about indie developers using the system? Any particularly good implementations of the rules I should look at?


I'm a bit confused by the terminology used for this jam.

Just to break things out a bit...

1.) Let's call 'Option A' an entire virtual table-top application (like Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds or Foundry VTT).
2.) Let's call 'Option B' a package of forms/dice configurations/character sheets/maps/scripts/etc. to be used in a VTT application.
3.) Let's call 'Option C' any singular item listed under 'Option B' rather than an entire package.
4.) Let's call 'Option D' a traditional pen & paper TTRPG with rules on how to play, how to build a character, and maybe/probably  a default setting.
5.) Let's call 'Option E' an adventure for use with 'Option D'. It's got a story, encounters, skill checks, maps, etc.

So what exactly are we expected to build for this jam?

Any of the above five options, with Options D & E built specifically for use with a VTT?
Some specific combination of these things?
Some new concept I haven't heard of that's built from the ground up to take advantage of VTT features?

Thanks for whatever assistance you can offer!

Awesome! Thanks!

So I submitted my eight songs... and immediately came back to the jam page to sign up.

Is there some automated process that's going to dump my song entries? Or should I be all set?

And thanks for the great answer too!

Awesome! Thank you!

The jam rules say... 

  • Make content, not games ─ bestiaries and gazetteers are good

Would we consider a solo gamebook based on existing rules to be 'content' (where the 'rules' are the game, and the 'story' is the content)? Or am I way overparsing this particular bullet point?

For instance... could I use a non-standard card deck? Could I choose a target number other than 21 to try to hit?

I have zero experience with FitD games, but everything you've done here looks like it's solidly in my wheelhouse (from the TV/movie touchstones, to an emphasis on tactical combat). I'm really loving what I'm seeing here.

Have you considered any sort of licensing scheme for the final rules release? OGL? Creative Commons?