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Roboco Dayo

A member registered Jun 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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God i love this but have to wait for full release (also btw I'm stuck in night 4 and can't access night 5 idk why)

I spent 1 hour trying to beat the first boss is it even possible?

when you met the dog princess there's a part where she puts a princess on a cell and then ask you if you want to begin her route so i have like 2 or 3 questions if you were to say yes and begin her route. (i said no and ended up fighting her so that's that)

-do you lose a princess after you begin her route?

-what happens if you go alone when meeting her?

-does something happens if you bring the cat princess with you?

This might be a very simple question but I really don't know how to increase affinity with the kobold princess