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A member registered Apr 08, 2024

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the aiming was wobbly when I tried to move the mouse and made it very hard to aim. Almost twitching 

Fun overall, love the mario kart like entrance. Medium car was a bit hard to control. big  car mode was my favorite and the BLACK HOLE!!!!

sword swing there is no animation, would love to play as the dragon

Theme? also might have just been my PC but the aim was really hard to control almost to the point of not being able to play. neat idea

music and them were cute, game was kinda fun collecting the items and being a racoon

good music, didnt personally enjoy seemed a bit simple

I loved the idea, the voice acting, the theme, the concept but i seemed to get stuck a lot in the ground on the level after the tutorial and couldnt move, just barely moving or jumping got me stuck, SUPER game though!

seemed kind of basic didnt see how it fully fit the theme i guess? sorry not trying to be rude.

liked the voice, hard to restart might have just been me, fun concept

was fun and innovative 

fun, did a lot with a little, really enjoyed the scaling aspect 

reminded me of reverse tetris a little, worked well not my cup of tea

felt a little like reverse tetris, it worked well just not my cup of tea

Was a neat take, basic looks and made it fun, maybe a little more difficulty and perfect