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Robbie Hunt

A member registered Jul 22, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hi everyone! Use this space to share your game idea, talk about how your team is doing, or whatever you like!

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Thanks! I just made a few updates for usability (still 1 hour left in the jam!) - but sadly all the audio is in fact mono, no clue how it happened, haha. I tried going back into my Godot settings but everything seemed to be correct. Still, it isn't the worst game jam bug !

Thank you so much for checking out the game :)

Fans of Interactive Fiction will enjoy this solid IF experience. No pretentiousness, just real genuine immersive storytelling.

People who are new or not exposed to Interactive Fiction ... I think this is a great way to introduce themselves to the genre!

Overall, what I'm saying is: I dug it! If you haven't read it yet, stop reading comments and go read Natural Pressure!

I definitely like the idea of a western zombie setting! I like western settings in general, though.

As you said, the game is not complete. So I feel I can review it without having played with another person and simply playing through in my own.

The core of the game is solid, people love talking about survival especially in zombie scenarios. The idea that someone can have a different answer and present a good reason ... that is very compelling and very worthy of building upon.

Obviously you'll want to finish adding answers to the multiple choice questions :P

I think most of the questions meanings do not get lost in translation, so good job there. But there is one question that I really think is far too open ended and it's the "Are you human" question.

Overall solid idea and setting, I definitely wish to see a more playable version!