Hi all, I hope you're enjoying the latest build. We'd love to know how well it runs on your PC, so please drop by our forum and tell us about it if you get a chance: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/performance-testing.28721/
A member registered Jul 09, 2017
Creator of
A seafaring advanture from the makers of the PotC: New Horizons mod
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Hi everyone, you can get a sneak peek at the latest developments in this thread on our forums: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/progress-screenshots.28108/#post-557998
We'll post a more detailed article with the main changes when the next build is released.
Yes, there is sailing, and you can board your ship to enter sailing mode as described above. Sailing works like PotC, using W and S to raise/lower sails and A/D to turn.
As for ghost ships, there aren't any plans for supernatural elements in the core game. However, we will let modders add their own storylines and quests as additional downloads, which may include content like that.