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Roasty McToasty

A member registered May 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm really glad people are enjoying the characters smooth moves as much as I do, I'm super happy with how it turned out in the end. 😄

Admittedly it is held together with the code equivalent of duct tape and paper clips, but sprinkle a little maths on top and you've got yourself a satisfying wiggle. 😁

I don't remember if there's a dm system on Itch, but if there is and you want a proper code example, let me know and I'll see what I can dig out of my files.

Honestly I've always felt like art hasn't been my strong suit, so I'm happy to hear it turned out clean, thanks! 

I did try a few facial designs for the defeat face, but after realising some of them looked similar to the emotion faces, I tried making one that looked apathetic and just thought it looked pretty funny and ran with it, glad to hear I made the right choice. 😄

Thanks for the kind words & feedback, and you're absolutely right about the control changes. I had planned to add more effects like fear had, like rain to obstruct view while sadness was active for example, but ended up running out of time.

Tempted to come back to this one day with fresh ideas and really make it complete, I ended up really enjoying the idea throughout development and I think there's so much more I can do with it.