Hello, I just finished the game! From the bottom of my heart I want you to know that I congratulate you very much and I am proud of everything you have achieved. The game is an invaluable piece of art, its story, its characters, its art, the voices, the inclusive themes about the variety of pronouns, gender identity and sexual orientation, etc... everything generated many mixed emotions in me and I felt part of it, it made me reflect a lot on my own state and my life. I realized that it would be wonderful if the people around me and the person I establish a relationship with were like them, so liberal, understanding, honest, loving. The game reflected everything I lack but it was also a caress to the soul and made me really very happy.
I am sad because I do not have dollars to donate or pay for your games because you deserve it! Even so, thank you for letting me enjoy the base game, it brightened my sad days and I no longer feel so alone, it even gave me hope and encouragement to keep going.
Thank you very much for existing, creator! 馃ス鉂わ笍