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A member registered Apr 11, 2023

Recent community posts

It's working!

Steam seems to be related. I tested the new version with a deployed project (Steam closed) and the overriding works perfectly. Also with the new version, in playtesting mode now the gamepad behaves just as if the puglin were disabled for me (No longer the advance dialogue button changes from A to Start)

Thanks reflector88!

Hi! I also recently tested this plugin, mostly to set the 'i' key to open the inventory. However, I also noticed that it affects gamepad behavior (tested with an Xbox Series controller), disabling the A, B, X, and Y buttons, as you mentioned, even when you remove the gamepad buttons in the plugin's parameters. Also I noticed that the button for advancing dialogue changes from A to Start with the plugin.

Thank you! They are very beautiful.

Oh wow, thank you! All the other new options are also super cool :D

Many thanks! :D

Such a beautiful style! Many thanks for everything :D

A dream for adventure games, thanks!

Is there a chance to easily hide the number of items?

In any case, many thanks! It has already made my menu very cool and simple :D

Absolutely perfect! Thank :'D

Oh, it gave me an error after the initial credit. Trying to load one of the parallax images I think.

Sounds interesting!

The four character designs and names are super cool! And I love academy settings, especially if there is magic involved.

Hopefully the project is still going,  and congrats on all that progress!

Thank you! This plugin is so beautifully done.

Thirs works perfectly, many-many-many thanks!

By any chance, do you know if there is a way to show 4 options in the Title Screen, so the Quit option is always visible?

In any case, thank you again!

(1 edit)

Hi! In case it could help, I got the same error on MZ while having no other plugin active.

