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A member registered Aug 16, 2019

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Absolutely great game - a fair size already and looks to be huge eventually. There's a few bugs and inconsistencies but it is very playable.

Noticed bugs, Android version:

Corrupting Margaret crashes.

Sex with Cynthia - 'Cum Outside' leads to an crash.

Oral with Dimitria - A silhouette is superimposed on the image after giving her the 'Ideal transformation.

In a few places - when meeting Emma at some points - there is no background.

Assigning 'intelligence and 'counter-intelligence' tasks sometimes gives the wrong message (but right assignment) - noticed this on Katy.

Coffee Shop -> Bimbo Staff in the Journal works fine but the journal doesn't update to say that you've done it. Same for the Library -> Printing Press, the Bunker.