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A member registered Aug 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback!

Oh cool, I'll be sure to check it out!

I think I'm dumb I ended up brute-forcing the puzzle

really like the art and concept!

Super cute game. My only complaint is that it is not always easy to tell which glyphs changed it might be good to add a small animation when a glyph changes

Not sure if I ran into a bug but I couldn't get past day 4 because Enemys didn't die when their Health ran out.

over all love the art!

I love it. the slide movement makes it, the only real criticism is that the camera doesn't move change when you are moving to the left on the top, it's very hard to tell where you are going because the camera doesn't adjust you may want to make the camera change to try to stay ahead of the the player

(1 edit)

I got stuck after the first treasure chest. did I miss something or was that as far as you made it during the jam?
either way, I like the music and the movement feels good!

I also had the same experience unfortunately

Loved how you included the theme! The lack of diagonal movement made fighting the enemies kind of annoying, but that also made me realize that you don't have to fight any which added a fun layer to the game

oh i meant to put 1 team member. My mistake