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A member registered May 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the updated post. I am excited and am always looking forward to what you have in store. With that being said, please take your time when it comes to the game. Your mental health and well being is far more important - be sure to take breaks and if you ever get burnt out, TAKE THAT BREAK! As I was saying, heh, thank you for taking time out of your day to keep us in the loop, you're amazing. Keep up the good work, work hard, and take care <3

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I have a question! I'm quite stuck on Karla the Harpy and it was about the temperature. To be specific, the room temperature not the lighting temperature. I was wondering, what degree should it be settled at?

Thank you so much, that helps a lot!

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Hello, I downloaded the main 1.5 update and when I was on the home screen and clicked " DLC INFO " in the upper left hand corner, it has that Step 1 - 3 / 4 (?) aren't downloaded so when I clicked the link to bring me back to here to download the dlcs that I already purchased and install them, it says the file isn't there or that it can't be installed. I deleted the original to install the 1.5 update

Alright thank you! I got Step 4 ^^

(1 edit)

I might need a little help. I've been trying to download or at least find where I download step 4 for the game but I can't find it. I have tried restarting my device and I have deleted all three files (for the DLCS) and redownloaded them but still can't see the link for step 4

I am legit freaking out , ah.

Alright. Thanks for the advice.

Hello! I really enjoyed the game but no matter how many times I play the game, I can never get the locked ending after the Friendship Ending and the locked ending after the Solo Ending. Did I do something wrong? It's a good game honestly, I love the character designs which remind of me of manga.