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A member registered May 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi SPCTR, thanks for your feedback. As a matter a fact we are working on the (alt) world of the game. We made a world map, a timeline of great historical events, every region have it's own dynamic, etc... Nevertheless we wanted to have some comic relief on the game, but you are right, all these references to future things don't go well with the game style and make the world feel inconsistent. We are probably going to remove them from the game. 
Thanks again for your feedback =)

Hi SPCTR, thanks for your feedback. Regarding the mentions of F**k, Football, etc… we are having the same discussion internally, other players gave us the same feedback. Besides this, we really would like to know what you did not like in our game.

hey thanks for the feedback that is actually a good idea =) i believe we will just cut down a bit of text and make it shorter xD but if we do end up needing some bigger text we will totes implement that =D thx