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A member registered Jan 03, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I like the game concept, art style and polish. Fun to play! I think the incorporation of the limitation is a bit superficial however.

(1 edit)

Hi, great job getting this submitted with only 1 month of programming experience! I think the platforming needs a bit of polish. The game doesn't really incorporate the limitation. I think it could be pretty fun with a bit of polish and maybe if the box was ball like in rocket league.

Ahh I am not sure I am playing it right. I jumped into a portal that took me to the relic area and then I found another portal and it took me to the menu screen. 

Got 15 seconds on the third try! Fun but I don't think it incorporates the limitation.

Thanks for playing! I think there might be a bug if you were able to get a score of 150. It should randomise the translations everytime the game is restarted :((

Really interesting interpretation of the concept and cohesive art style. Good for training your brain rewiring ability.

(2 edits)

Hyper polished and love the soundtrack. I had the game running just so I could listen to the first area tune.

I like the concept because it was the same as our submission : )))

The problem was I couldnt read the orders, they were too small and a weird angle.