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A member registered Jul 15, 2022

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I don't think it's available on Mac. If you're fine with it being janky, maybe try using Wine or something.

Online is fine with everything I've tried it with (Xbox, PlayStation, PC) and you can indeed play without an internet connection on all three. There are some little issues at times where the game will occasionally freeze, but nothing too substantial. It's not cross-platform, however.

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Just a note, the Mac version won't open, at least on M1 Max chip Macs running version 14.0 Sonoma. Guessing I could fix it by running a bit of code in either the console or terminal, but I'm honestly a bit too lazy right now. Oh, though I'm not using the Itch app. Give me a second to test that. 

And that fixed it! Glad that worked. Running it standalone gives an error saying "The application 'Veinless Property' can't be opened.", so it might be good to make a disclaimer or something of that. I can't think of words right now, sorry.

Edit: This game was great! Short, which was nice, yet still made the experience fun, and the visuals are incredible! Really like the style! Keep it up!

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Yeah, I actually just made a video on this for my friend. The easiest way that I found to fix it is to download and run it from the app. Not sure why this works, though. There are issues with doing this with some games, but all I've seen from issues like that is texture glitches like in "4d Explorer," which turns a lot of things red.

Okay, so if you're on Mac (like me) the download doesn't work and it says "Could not run Mac." The way to fix this is to use the app and download it from there.