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A member registered Apr 11, 2019

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saw this commented before and idk if theres a solution but sebastian left so i cant progress with wizz

idk if it has to do with wizz but im doing his route and sebastian isnt back and I tried before name-calling and he still isnt back even after months

oh yeah probs like how it doesnt have robin with longer hair. makes sense.

in rabbit season robin says "my skin crawled looking into his brown eyes" but Wizz has blue eyes. at least thats how it was when I reread it in memorabilia 

ok thanks!

(1 edit)

question about faust. i downloaded this once before and unlocked faust and he could do all instruments but now he cant unless im in no scenes mode. is that supposed to happen? i couldve swore I had him as a drummer in the past in open mode with all scenes. also robin's outfits kinda randomly keep changing at times