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A member registered Nov 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Fun game, but I wish some of the smaller text was easier to read lol

10/10. Best game I've ever played. No notes.

That scene where he's speaking to you on the ground is wonderfully unnerving. Looking forward to where you go from here!

I think I understood the gameplay, but some instructions would be useful. A restart button would also be good so people don't have to reload the page every time they fail.

Not bad! I really like the art style you went with. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to play it for very long because the motion blur/visual lag (I'm not sure which it is, really) made me feel a bit ill. Combat was fun, though.

Nice! I liked the menu music a lot. I think the mini-games are good, but I ran into a bug with the candy game because the program froze and I had to reload the page. Some of the grammar is a little off, but I like the game's humor. :)

~54728 :)

surprisingly addictive. my highest so far is "11999.02686623301" lol. I'm going to try and beat it, though

fun game! made me realize that I'm really bad at unscrambling words lmao

fun concept, but the Thursday work screen froze the controls and I wasn't able to progress any further.

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I tokyo driftin till she waffle under my bus

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this game froze my browser for a minute, but it ran fine after. I think the way the food spawns might need to be changed because it's often too far off-screen to locate quickly. the spawn locations can also cause an instant death upon loading in. I like the sprites, though :)

the camera controls are a little janky, but the concept is cool

interesting game, but I think I'm a little too dumb to complete it lmao

I would love to play a full game of this!

okay premise, but the hitbox is too large and slow-moving to dodge the projectiles most of the time

no problem :)

there's a menu in the top left that has the recipes. you press space to interact with objects and wasd/arrows to select ingredients before pressing space