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Riley Entertainment

A member registered Mar 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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A few things I'm considering updating, particularly for story mode, if I ever do a version 2.1:

  • Adjust default volumes
  • Option for in-game voice overs:  Never, Only Once, or Always
  • Option for difficulty:  Easy / Normal / Hard (it would probably just adjust each level's goal by some factor)
  • Add a delay on taking damage

I'd heard about Tiled from a friend a ways back, and made a mental note to give it a try when I had some time.  I now wish I'd made the time back then, before the last game I built...  While the maps were fairly small and simple, editing the floor and wall tiles in JSON format in Notepad++ was almost enough to drive me off the project.

This is a great utility for anyone looking to build 2D tile-based games of any kind.  It has no ties to any specific game engine, framework, or programming language -- giving it all the freedom and flexibility anyone could ask for to build the maps and levels for their specific game.  Thanks so much for working on this and making it available to the world!

Time to go forth and unleash the creative spirit...