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Izaac From The Backstory

A member registered May 09, 2018

Recent community posts

I took the time to try to make up and down animations for the normal armour adventurer. If you wanted these feel free to use these as a base. Still working on an attack-down. Might need to adjust the positioning to fit the rest of the sheet.

Hey there!

I gave your game a play and I really liked it. I run a Youtube channel called "The Backstory" where we interview indie game developers to hear their stories of game development behind the scenes. We ask questions about what kind of success's and failures you came across and delve into why you've made certain decisions. I would love to have you as a guest sometime. Would you like to come on the show? You can find the channel here:

We normally record for about an hour but the time we do it is flexible. Nothing is live and we edit out any silence and flubs so there's nothing to worry about.

If you're interested, send me a DM, comment back, or follow any of the links in each video's description and I'll get right back to you!