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A member registered May 26, 2023

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very true


WTF this is ABSOLUTE FIRE 馃敟,  as a developer and gamer myself this is one of the best multiplayer games ever on itch and thankfully it doesn't have a very toxic player base, Overall very very VERY good game and i cant express enough how much fun it is to play

Great game, in some places it is a little unbalanced because the boss fights are super easy and other area are not. Still great game and i especially liked the targeting mechanics, by the way a cool strat : kill the gunmen first as they can suck a lot when you're on low health after fighting the ninjas

this game is absolute FIRE 馃敟, The assets you used are great. the movement is a bit janky and sometimes when you shoot bullets they get stuck on invisible meshes. I am building a similar game using synty's pirate pack. it is a much bigger project but you have given me a lot of inspiration. here are a few recommendations : 1) add a pause menu where you can look at the controls and change a few settings such as FOV and Sensitivity. 2) change the enemy's animation so that it looks like it looking towards you. As a gamedev myself the is one of the best games i have played on itch.