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A member registered Oct 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Heyya, thanks for the comment. The controls are on the itch page and it should be Q.

 However, the game's incomplete, we had a few issues with people getting sick and busy with the holidays. There is a chance we might add more to it later, as we did have a lot of plans, it just kinda fells through.

(1 edit)

Thank you :) glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks, it was my favourite story from Lovecraft so I already had the thought before seeing the secondary theme. I also see it says host beside your name so I guess that means your the host to this GameJam? Thank you for hosting the event :) it was a great GameJam to partake in for my first one! 

Yea both of those areas I wish we had more time for. This was the first game I helped create so I found the skill balancing difficult and something I feel like I usually take for granted from games I play. The audio I wanted to add more of, just didn't get around to it. 

Thanks for the feedback and playing our game! <3