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A member registered Dec 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh noooooo! When exactly is the connection failing? Can you take some screenshots? 

You're also welcome to reach out to me on Twitter or via Email to send along log files so we can better troubleshoot. (RhapsPerhaps on Twitter and at Gmail). 

Hi-hi! Glad you like the look of things so far! 

I never did optimization testing so I don't actually have answers for those questions strictly speaking. The more items you add, the more resources the program will use. I once saw someone add in all the Pokemon pixel sprites but it was really laggy during use. So my general guess is to try and keep the number lower and just pay attention to how the program functions with other things running. 

You can add images of any size and they'll be scaled down, but I suggest trying to keep things close to the size you'll want them on stream. So usually in the 200 px or less range. 

Nope, you should be able to just use your new name!  If you click the "Delete Channel Info" button below where it says "attempting to connect" it should let you just enter in your new name and connect again. If for some reason that doesn't work, you can manually delete the authorization files in your install folder. You go to wherever you have Item Flood, then clicked on the "ProgramSettings" folder, then delete "Authorization.json". 

At the moment Mac support isn't a priority for me, but I'm willing to look into it in the future depending on how I update the program going forward.

Hi-hi! I believe Clear is set to a keybind already but only works when the program is in focus. 

I'm actually hoping to add a dedicated StreamDeck plugin once I'm able to update the program again (maybe not in the first update of it but soon) because I think having the ease of triggering things would be really nice too. 

Oooh, that's a good idea! There isn't in the current implementation but I'll definitely consider it for the next version. 

I haven't had a chance to make an official announcement about it but I'm going to try to port Item Flood over to a new engine and rewrite a lot of the systems to be more versatile. It probably won't have a release too soon but ideally in the next few months. I'll definitely add more options of when to clear things in that version!

Huh, that's so weird. The only thing that comes to mind is something on your stream taking the ports Item Flood is using once you go live. Have you tried changing those and testing?

Otherwise you're welcome to send me a debug log either to my Twitter or Gmail (both RhapsPerhaps). And I can see if anything looks unusual. 

Hi-hi! I'm so glad you've been enjoying it! 

I'm not sure exactly what would be causing it, but I do have a few things you could test. First, try fully deleting the authentication file in the program folder and then fully authenticating again. If that doesn't help, trying it with a new port might (I had this issue when I used the Cult of the Lamb Twitch Integration, because it was using the same port and causing an issue for some reason.) You can find the port info in the settings towards the bottom if I remember correctly. 

If that also doesn't work you're welcome to send me some of the log files either on Twitter or via Gmail (RhapsPerhaps for both) and I'd be happy to see if any errors pop out. 

It also could just be Twitch being weird. I've seen a lot of things connected to Twitch stop working lately. (A stream I watched today had half their automated redeems just break.) So if that's the case, hopefully it will clear up soon! 

Hi! I'm not super familiar with how Streamlabs works, but if you can use it to capture something like VTube Studio (a game capture with transparency) then it should work just fine. 

Hm, I'm not sure why the keybinds wouldn't work. They should function if you have the program focused. I'll definitely look into it when I'm able to test again. 

Not a bother at all! I'm always happy to help troubleshoot stuff. I'd much rather people reach out if they have a problem versus just not using the program.

I'm glad you like it! And of course, I'd be happy to help troubleshoot. 

First, it's worth forgetting the authentication and setting it up again just in case it timed out during testing, etc. 

if that doesn't work, double check that you have the word entered correctly, and that you have the box in Settings to spawn on a keyword checked. Also, that there's at least one item in the keywords category for spawning. 

I none of those fixes help, I'd need to see a log file to get a better idea of what's going on. (You're free to send one via my Gmail address or on Twitter.)

I'm so glad! 

Currently it saves the byte information of the images to a custom file type. This is to keep the Item Profiles clean and easy to share or backup, versus having a mess of individual image files. 

Aww, thanks!

Those ideas are definitely possible but not with Item Flood. It would need to be programmed very differently to do something like that. Having things grow out of the bottom of the screen would be really cute, though!

Hello! Sorry for the delayed reply. I'm so glad you're enjoying using Item Flood~! 

Hm... I'm not sure exactly. To catch the Twitch redeems, I use something called PubSub through a library called TwitchLib. I'm not sure if this is an issue on Twitch's end, or with the library I'm using, but we have seen this happen before and I think it happens with other programs that use PubSub to track redeems. I'm definitely going to do a deeper look into all the logic when I do the next update (though I don't have an ETA for that). 

Sorry I don't have a better answer for you! But I am definitely aware of it and hope I can find a reasonable solution for the next version. 

Ooooh, yeah that would probably be it. Not sure if there's much I can do about it in that case, but I'll look into it a bit more (just in case). 

I'm so glad~! Thanks for checking it out~


Hm... I'm not sure why the emotes wouldn't be working. Just to confirm, you went through the whole authentication process and allowed the app to get information from your Twitch? (Also, it was a Twitch emote and not a BTTV emote, correct?) They should drop within a few seconds of being posted in chat. If they still aren't working, let me know and we can troubleshoot further. 

And yup! All the chat commands require the '!' symbol before them. So based on your video, you'd type "!walisi" in chat and it would clear the screen. 

I have no idea why it would trigger Norton Security (I don't use Norton, so I'm not familiar with their services and what can trigger them). Can you share the exact security message it triggers?

If Norton Security has to do with your firewall, it's possible that it's blocking the connection to Twitch itself (or the localhost connection that's needed to gain an auth code) and you would have to allow the program access. But I can't help with that either without more information. 

Sounds good~! If you end up posting anything related to it on Twitter, feel free to tag me~! (@RhapsPerhaps) I'd love to take a look. 

That's a great idea! There are so many different streaming apps that can add to the viewing experience. I have a collection of them on my profile as well, because I hope to use other ones like mine once I can start streaming. And thanks for commenting!

Do you mean, can you select which items appear for subs, follows, or raids? Because we do have that feature! And the option to pick how many items drop with each. You can also set items as rare or ultra rare and they have a chance to drop with any type, and you can make them as rare or common as you'd like. (If you meant something else feel free to let me know. I have a lot of plans for the app already, but I'm always open to new input and ideas.)

Nope, you do not! It's definitely more focused on channel point redeems and bits, but there are also options for followers, subscriptions, and being raided. I'm planning to add chat commands as an option in a future release as well.

(1 edit)

Hmm... the only reason that should happen is if the channel ID you're using doesn't match the account you authenticated with in the browser. (That is, if you're logged in with a different account than the one the ID is attached to.) I'd suggest double-checking your channel ID and then if that still doesn't fix it, you're welcome to turn Debug Logging on and then send me the text file it generates via Twitter DM.  (The log generates in the Twitch Item Flood_Data folder.) 

I'd suggest turning it on, then restarting the program, and trying to authenticate again so it gets the full steps logged. 

(1 edit)

Thanks so much! 

The menu disappears when you double-click outside of it after closing the actual menus. (Kind of like how VTube Studio does the menu show/hide.) Then re-appears if you double-click again. I'll make sure I have that listed on the download page somewhere obvious, probably under Controls if I don't have it already. 

I'm not sure why Twitch wouldn't authenticate. I'll make sure it's working on my end still. Does putting in your channel ID and hitting authenticate open up a webpage that asks you to agree to permissions?  (It's supposed to.)  Edit// Can confirm that it authenticates for me, so I'm not sure what the issue is.