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Rafael Garcez

A member registered Jul 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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bem difícil, mas muito legal. Parabéns!

Curti muito a arte e as animações. Parabéns!

bem legal, parabéns!


Adorei as reações no vídeo! Não tinha pensando np tik-tok hein. Vou ter que colocar agora haha. Obrigado por jogar!

Muito obrigado!

valeu! =D

Opa, muito obrigado por jogar!

Muito bom o vídeo! Eu mesmo não passo de 45 hahaha 

Obrigado por jogar!

Jogo bem difícil, mas muito bem feito. Parabéns!

O melhor jogo da Jam, sem sombra de dúvidas. Parabéns!

Awesome game! Got rank B! XD

Very good puzzle game! 

The link to the submission is broken. It is leading to "/edit"

Cool game. Well done!

yeah, I didn't have much free time to spare on the game. I made it in about 4 hours. I just didn't want to miss the jam XD

really cool graphics!

it's a quite unique game =D

the binoculars feature is very cool! Well done!

It's a nice concept. You should try to finish it =)

Awesome use of the 3D feature. well done!

looking forward to play the post jam version of this game!

nice art style and fun gameplay. Congrats!

(1 edit)

Great job!

I really want to play this. Hope you upload it again when the voting round is over. 

Looking forward to play the post jam version of this game. 

those videos on the walls are pretty nice.

the tank design is really cool =)

Nice map desing and fun gameplay. I'ts a really good game. Congrats!

Those aerial takes are awesome! Impressive job! Congrats!

Impressive! It's a visually stunning game. Good job!

The "noooo" SFX made me laugh multiple times. =D

Fun game, congrats!

The multiple camera angles are a nice feature.  It's a fun game. Nice submission

The minimap and fire traps are really cool. Congrats!

Awesome game, congrats! 

nice intro and shooting animation!

this game is fast!

you are absolutely right. This feature of picking up coins scattered around the maze was one of the last ones I put in the game, because I thought that just looking for the treasure would not be enough content. I'll probably add a message after the voting round. Thanks a lot for the feedback! I really appreciate it.

this game is quite hard. Nice submission.

Really impressive! Congrats!

A very charismatic set of characters! I just missed the option to skip the current line and not the whole dialog. Great game, congratulations!