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A member registered Apr 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Wow, this is satisfying!

Extremely satisfying game!! I LOVED it

I loved the suic*dal Mario version! Wow...

O jogo da minha vida pra comida da minha vida!!!!!!

Good theming, but slow as a BBQ digestion.

Well, why am I complaining, I'm only watching the game play itself. duh, Robson, it's an idle game after all

The song is catchy 😎

Thanks a lot, I`ll surely take a look on your suggestion. I`m always excited about theme parks

The splash screen got me exited, the main menu had me begging for more, aaaand... nevermind, it crashed on loading the level.

That seems to be fixed, I mean, it doesn't seem to take ages to buy an upgrade. Plus, I discovered how to properly spin the wheel. My PC is agonising, but I am calm and content.

That is a great game!!!

That's exactly the issue. The average prices for spinners are in the kR range but the computer upgrades are on the MR range and it is just not practical to wait for R to grow so much. This could do with a rebalance.

I guess the concept of a short game varies

hmmm, thx for the no jumpscare thing, I am totally playing this now.

53%...? I need to rethink my gayness

Unless it's REALLY an emergency.

The takeaway is: don't bother the flight attendants!

Press, press, press, press, press
We sure need more press

Oh, the "News" section is hilarious and reminds me of SimCity4.

On the date I'm commenting, achievements are OK. BTW, I was curious to click on the pics just to be presented with interesting explanations; not exactly intuitive, but well done.

Phew.. NZ is safe!

Items buyed... game over

While writing the comment above, I noticed the game gets 'stuck' a bit after everything is upgraded to the max and the colour mixer button does not show anymore

This game made more sense than dozens of other I have played. Great job!!!

The music is not annoying, neither is the gameplay pace. The mechanics are simple enough to be catchy, and I managed to play it without even looking at the pictures on the game page.

Keep developing this concept and, in my humble opinion, you'll be making great games.

The star is the motivation to play. I mean, you scroll all the way down to find the big prize, and it has an explicit markup. Very rewarding from the beginning. though our friend is right, a button to empty the slot would be awesome.


YAY!! Bear with my ignorance, please. I really liked the context at the beginning, btw.

It is a nice game, but mind if I ask if there are any other objectives than reaching C:?


Chewing gum, anyone?

Really cool game, simple and effective. 

Que foi isso que eu acabei de jogar?!!

A melhor sátira do ano. Cara, muito bom.

  • Pontos positivos:
    • o estilo/arte se manteve constante, inclusive a música, que eu não gosto, mas o jogo é seu, mão meu, fora que seria broxante ouvir EDM com um jogo desses - então parabéns;
    • a passagem secreta - oops, spoiler;
    • os steps de EVA.

  • Pra uma próxima versão:
    • obviamente, mais níveis;
    • deixar um pouco mais claro o que são plataformas - juro que tentei subir no banco 45°;
    • o tamanho proporcional dos personagem pro resto da cena - embora eu entendo que é um jogo e caricaturado.

Com certeza tem muito mais coisas positivas que a melhorar.


I'd love to play that, but it only shows a black screen..

Fun for minutes.

Autoclicker Patience required.

Was this supposed to be a joke or sth alike?

Because it is surprisingly fun to wait for the page (or the PC) to crash, though it did not, indeed.

Nice game!

WTF, Dude! You can make a cool meme(ish) game without JUMPSCARES.

A good autoclicker strategy is the key.

Cute, checked

Idle, checked

Incremental, checked

I wonder why haven`t I find this game before... Fun for minutes

This game teaches us it is ok to break some eggs to make an omelette. Well.. if at least we could eat them all instead of messing with the table.

This game can also help on the fine coordination rehab.. A hidden GEM.

Surprisingly FUN and it has a good PT-BR localization. 5 stars